Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Menendez is running as an independent in the New Jersey Senate race

Yuki Iwamura/Bloomberg/Getty Images

New Jersey Democrat Sen. Bob Menendez leaves federal court in New York, U.S., Monday, May 20, 2024.


Impeached Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez He filed for re-election Monday as a New Jersey independent.

His decision to file independently was first reported New Jersey GlobeThe day comes before the New Jersey primary, in which three Democrats and four Republicans are vying for their parties’ nominations for the seat he currently holds.

Menendez, who faces federal corruption charges and is on trial in New York City, announced in March that he would not seek a fourth full term as a Democrat, but left open the possibility of an independent bid if acquitted. He faces a Tuesday deadline to file independently. The deadline for New Jersey independent candidates to withdraw from the ballot is August 16.

His presence in the race could make the Senate race in New Jersey more unpredictable, with control of the chamber hanging in the balance. Democrats hold a narrow majority but face a tough electoral map this fall.

“Thank you to the overzealous prosecutors, it displeases me to go this route, but I will do what I must to continue to uphold my oath of office to my constituents,” Menendez said in a statement Monday evening.

“Like I said before; I have committed no crime. “I am more confident than ever that New Jerseyans and the rest of the American people will see me exonerated, and that I will be re-elected to the Senate,” he continued.

Representative Andy KimThe Democratic front-runner in Tuesday’s primary has criticized what he says are Menendez’s self-serving motives.

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“Americans are tired of politicians putting their own interests ahead of what’s right for the country,” Kim said in a statement. “Everyone knows that Bob Menendez is not running for the people of New Jersey, he’s running for himself. It’s beyond time for change and I’m moving forward to restore integrity to the United States Senate.

Menendez’s federal corruption trial is in its fourth week. The senator, New Jersey businessmen Wael Hana and Fred Daibes, and Menendez’s wife, Nadine, are accused of engaging in a bribery scheme and acting as foreign agents of the Egyptian government. All four pleaded not guilty.

The investigation includes hundreds of text messages, emails, images and voicemails sent between the senator, Nadine Menendez, Hana and friends and business associates with alleged roles in the bribery scheme.

This story has been updated with additional reporting.

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