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Ukraine’s representative at the Assembly of Black Sea Nations in Ankara attacked Russia


May 5, 2023 | 6:56 am

A Ukrainian representative punched a Russian representative in the face during a meeting of Black Sea nations in the Turkish capital on Thursday, after his Ukrainian flag was taken away to prevent him from photobombing a video interview with Russia’s top representative.

Olesandr Marikovsky posted a video on his Facebook page of himself beating the Russian and retrieving the blue and yellow flag.

The incident took place in the hallway of the parliament building where the Organization for Black Sea Economic Cooperation (PSEC) was meeting.

Earlier in the day, some Ukrainian delegates scuffled with security officers who tried to pull them away as they rallied, holding their flags near Russia’s lead representative as they tried to address the assembly.

Images of the chaos were posted by the Turkish parliament on its website, and parliament speaker Mustafa Sentop issued a strong condemnation.

“I condemn this behavior that disrupts the peaceful environment that Turkey is trying to establish,” he said.

Members of the Ukrainian delegation unfurl the national flag to disrupt a speech by Russia’s Olga Timofeeva during the Black Sea Economic Cooperation parliamentary session in Ankara, Turkey, May 4, 2023.
Turkish Parliament Speaker Mustafa Sentop speaks during a parliamentary meeting of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation on May 4, 2023 in Ankara, Turkey.

As representatives of the 13 countries in the BSEC met on Thursday, Russian drones continued to attack the Ukrainian capital Kiev.

There are currently no peace talks to end the war that has devastated Ukrainian towns and cities, killed thousands of people and driven millions from their homes.

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